What we do

Community Weavers

“Mycelium travels the dark recesses of the Earth; it moves through unseen spaces and emergent conditions, and as it moves it finds and forges new connections and alliances. To the human eye, the soil is a space of unknowns. To mycelium, the dark is rich with possibility; through intuitive exploration, mycelium metabolizes such possibilities, making use of what is available while simultaneously nurturing all around it. Such a cooperative interface is essential for ancillary design.”

Anab Jain. Radical Design For A World In Crisis

  • We support your cultural organization in the Gen-AI Transition to be ethical, social, and environmentally sustainable.

  • We weave, heal and care for communities being part of them, practicing deep listening and empathy.

  • We create new narratives and metaphors based on nature to reshape identities in cultural organizations.

  • We strengthen the cultural professional’s sense of purpose and belonging using communities as drivers and inspiration.

  • We ignite Children/Nature-centered projects in cultural institutions and social organizations.

Work areas


    · New tools, ways to work, required skills, and challenges: personalized content co-creation, micro individual visitant engagement strategies, optimization of process in incomes and revenues, improvement in the digital cultural heritage preservation., Design Data oriented crowdfunding campaigns, etc.

    - New job positions: Gen AI content assistant, Gen AI Capacity building supporter, Gen AI whole positions in Curatorial, Education, Human resources, Strategy, and Management areas.

    - New challenges in Museums programs: achieve a sustainable GEN AI carbon footprint, work GEN AI ethically (Data policy, copyrights of authors and creators, ), support a GEN AI social equity approach by considering the algorithm workers involved in the process or involving invisibilized voices in the design thinking tools (indigenous people, elderly people, children), Red Flags to pinpoint Gen AI fake contents new ways to create and fabric the museum‘s future, etc.


    We prioritize weaving cultural community projects related to Climate Justice and regenerative practices, Democracy reinforcement, Anti-racism and social discrimination palliation, mental health, and well-being in teenagers and elderly, indigenous and children mindset and agency presence and decision making in the cultural arena.


    We provide and train you in the practical usage of strategic participatory tools to start the conversation with your community, stay connected and work from it. The Community-Museum Matrix, The Situational Map, The Organic Design Thinking Process, The "Every Wich Way Impact" Evaluation approach, or The Living-room 20 minutes conversation are only some of them.


    Depending on your environmental and community priorities, we provide you with the skills required today by cultural and societal professionals. With our hybrid programs inspired by Children, Clowns, and Nature, we support you and your team to be confident surfers of unexpectedness, a community-centered fundraiser and a hybrid “kangaroo” to jump from global to local, from digital to physical, from home to the office, from past to future, from ethics to finance and environment.


    We love to deeply listen to your questions and be part of a together inquiry: What is/should be a museum/library/gallery/archive today? What is a visitant? What is the audience? How hybridize tour Staff with community representatives? How can we evaluate our impact in the mid/long term? What is/should be a bottom-up quantum cultural project? As a cultural professional how can I resonate with and be supported by my community? Where are the “in-between” areas and how to work comfortably with them? We transform knowledge-based insights into strategic opportunities.


Who We Are

